Kitchen Wood Floors

It is hard to reject the natural beauty of wood flooring. Well, its appearance provides both elegance and softness to deliver an interesting view for room decoration. However, how about kitchen wood floors? Is it a good option to choose?

The use of wood flooring for the kitchen substantively is a good idea. Its surface will deliver a sense of nature. Of course, you who want to create a kitchen with a traditional look could maximize the concept using it.

However, on the opposite, it is realized that wood flooring will have a higher damage risk when it is applied to the kitchen. The higher mugginess inside the kitchen becomes one of the reasons why the wood flooring will have low durability when it is applied to the kitchen.

Here, we will talk about some matters of the wood flooring for the kitchen that could be another consideration when you want to renew the look of your kitchen. For those who are curious about it, please read the following writings below.

Why Do People Use Wood Flooring Ideas for Their Kitchen?

why use kitchen wood floors

It is interesting to know the reasons why people use wood flooring ideas to renew their kitchen. Of course, those reasons cannot be separated from the advantages or pros of the flooring idea itself. 

Some reasons why people choose the wood flooring idea to renew their kitchen based on its advantages are:

The beauty of wood flooring 

As we have said before, wood flooring has a beautiful look and detail. Many people said that natural wood is gorgeous, especially by its variety of color and wood grain pattern. The detailed look of this flooring idea shows that wood flooring applies to everyone. 

On another hand, wood flooring comes with different concepts and designs. Every concept and design has its uniqueness that will increase the sense of art inside the kitchen decoration. Then, not only is to renew the kitchen with a traditional look, but wood flooring also interesting to be applied to renew the look of the kitchen with a contemporary and modern look. 

Good enough durability

The durability level of wood flooring always becomes an issue, especially when someone wants to apply the kitchen wood floors. As we have said before, there will be higher humidity inside the kitchen that will influence the condition of wood flooring.

In truth, we cannot deny that tile and concrete have a higher water-resistant level than wood flooring idea. It is another reason why people finally choose one of tile or concrete and apply it to their kitchen.

However, you need to know that actually, wood flooring idea has a good enough durability level. This matter happens because the modern wood flooring has more improvement than the traditional version. On another hand, there are also some options of wood flooring ideas that are available with different details and specs. 

Wood flooring is versatile

If you look for a great flooring idea with high versatility, the wood flooring idea could be your best option. Well, it could be said that wood flooring is very versatile. You could apply it to renew the look of your kitchen and other room.

By its versatility, of course, wood flooring will be very useful to apply a big home decoration concept. You could apply the same wood flooring idea to renew some rooms inside your home.

On another hand, the wood flooring is also nice to be combined with every room stuff and accessory. For example, if you install dark brown kitchen wood floors, you could combine them with the white cabinet to create better contrast. 

Warmer and softer than tile

Another reason why people use the wood flooring idea to renew the look of kitchen décor is that this flooring concept is warmer and softer than tile. As we know, tile and wood flooring are different.

The tile, with its basic material, has a harder characteristic than the wood flooring. Then, the tile is also colder on the surface than the wood flooring idea. That is why if you want to get more warmth for the kitchen decoration concept, the wood flooring idea is a better option to be chosen.

Some points above are the advantages of the wood flooring idea to be applied in the kitchen decoration concept. Of course, by those points, you could see that wood flooring is another good option, especially with its interesting design to renew the look of your kitchen.

We cannot deny that the wood flooring idea has some interesting matters, especially its beauty. However, this flooring idea still has some cons that you need to know before deciding on it as your best flooring to apply. 

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Cons of using Kitchen Wood Flooring

Cost becomes an important issue if we are talking about kitchen wood floors. It is quite reasonable since the whole cost will influence the budget that you need to prepare for installing the flooring idea. About the wood flooring concept, you need to realize that wood floors are expensive. It means you need to prepare your budget before starting the redecoration.

On another hand, the cons of this flooring option to know are its vulnerability. Substantively, a well-maintained hardwood floor could be used for more than a century. However, this flooring idea is prone to scratching and denting, especially if it is made from softer wood species. The hardwood is also sensitive to water, although there is laminate wood flooring to choose from. 

Maintenance also becomes the issue about the cons of wood flooring. Substantively, the wood flooring concept is quite easy to maintain. To keep it clean and well condition, you just need to wipe it regularly. However, the surface is also easy to be contaminated by dust. It means you will be pushed to clean it many times in a day.

Well, that is all about the cons of wood floors that you need to know before you apply it to redecorate your kitchen décor. We could see that kitchen wood floors have some pros and cons. For those who want to renew the kitchen with a natural sense, this flooring idea could be chosen. However, you need to apply maintenance strategies to keep it well and durable.

How to maintain Kitchen Wood Flooring?

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The treatment method is fairly easy because there are many preventive methods so that wood floors and parquet floors can last a long time, including:

1. Keep the floor moist, if exposed to water, immediately dry it. Water absorbed into wooden or parquet floors makes the floor swell and damage.

2. Using environmentally friendly mop drugs because excess chemicals will damage the coating.

3. There must be protection on furniture that attaches directly to the floor such as tables, chairs, cabinets.

4. Move the furniture that attaches directly to the floor by lifting it instead of dragging it.

5. For treatment after being applied for years, you can use a scrubber machine. How this machine works will spray liquid and there are soft brushes that directly clean the surface of the wood floor or parquet floor.

6. If the coating has faded or the owner wants to change color, the outer layer of the floor can be skinned and replaced with a new coating. How the engine works removes the outer layer of the floor, then gives a new coating according to taste. This can be a solution for those of you who want to get a new atmosphere or just replace the interior concept at home.

After knowing the advantages and disadvantages of parquet flooring, are you interested in applying it to your company? Contact Us if you need any help!